Please use the server name "" to get the server address for your favored protocol. If you want to enforce IPv4 or IPv6 use "" or "". Please use DNS, the IP-addresses may change from time to time.
This server is part of and I recommend using the pool for synchronisation. However you are welcome to use this server without using the pool. Please follow the guidelines for open access time servers. Changes will be announced on this status page.
Requests on port 13 and 37 are also supported. These services may be turned off at any time. If you are still using RFC 868 (Time) or RFC 867 (Daytime), consider to switch to NTP. synccurrent status/usr/bin/ntpq -pn -c rl associd=0 status=062c leap_none, sync_ntp, 2 events, clock_step, Peer servers offsetsFrequency errorExternal monitoring | network trafficIPv4 and IPv6 Ports 123,37,13Server: green=in blue=out (logarithmic scale) IPv4Server: green=in blue=out (logarithmic scale) IPv6Server: green=in blue=out (logarithmic scale) |
Max Berger, 03.2020